Classified Advertising

Advertising Rates
Word Ad  .38¢ per word
Display  $10.00 per Col. In.

Double Rate for blind ads using Herald post office box or blind-box email address for replies.
Bold, underline, italics, and other text formatting options, along with graphics or photos, are not available in word ads. Word ads will be published in standard format.

Minimum Charges
 Advance payment $10.00
 Billed to account $11.00

Cash In Advance Ads
Ads placed in the following classifications must be paid for before publication: • Garage Sales • Employment Wanted • Mobile Homes For Sale • No Longer Responsible • Political Advertising • Baby-sitting • Child Care • To Give Away • Lost & Found • Ads placed from outside Ochiltree County, unless advertiser has established credit with the Perryton Herald.

A representative from The Herald will contact you for payment arrangements for all advertisements submitted online

To place or cancel ads:
Sunday edition: Fri., 10 a.m.
Thurs. edition: Wed., 10 a.m.

The Herald reserves the right to reject, edit, revise and properly classify all advertising submitted for publication. The Herald also reserves the right to cancel any advertisement at any time. For additional information, please contact The Herald at (806)435-3631.


Place a classified ad

Payment: A representative from the newspaper will contact you for payment arrangements for all classified advertisements submitted online.
Submitter's contact information
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You can label the classified ad's specific category next.
Please enter the sub-category. For example, if Real Estate for Rent was picked, you can enter "Apartments" here.
Billing Information
Billing Address
 (MC, Visa, Amex, Discover - we will contact you to complete transaction)