Senior News


Happy birthday this month to our little monsters: Roy Pointer, John Campbell, Shirley Archer, Larry Gearheart, Doug Wilkens, Mary Betty, Janet McLain, Wilda Rae Wilson, Rita Castle, Ray Castle, Sharon Graves, Jim Clark, Alta Wood, Debbie Symons, Kerry Symons, Lindsey Johnson, Cynthia Symons, Valarie Davis, Barb Herz, Steve Rima, Clint Allred, Phyllis Price, Nancy Cain, Scott Archer, Barbara McKinley and Sammy Judice.

Do you remember the heart ache I felt when my mother-in-law, Kathy Allred, won the 50/50 game, and she wasn’t present to win? Well multiply that by a million to understand the pain that shot through me when Lizzy’s name was drawn. How could I possibly explain to my five year old granddaughter that she couldn’t have the prize?? So I did what any Gal would do: tell her parents, via text, and allow them to deal with it.

Chicken yes, smart maybe a little. I bet she doesn’t let them skip 50/50 lunch any more. How will she know when it is, you ask? Gal will remind her of course. No pressure Kyla and Tate. For insurance purposes, in case she doesn’t win again, I always keep ice cream sandwiches on hand to ease her pain. So now, all of the $$ goes back into the pot, all of the names have been trashed, and we start over again.

Texas Home Health, aka Accolade, will be at the center on Oct. 7. They will be checking blood pressure and oxygen level.

This month is our Annual Board Meeting/Member Appreciation Dinner. The meal is free to our beloved members only. The menu has yet to be decided, but I’m sure our board will not disappoint. Join us on Oct. 22 beginning at 6 p.m.

On Oct. 28’s Wednesday meal, we will be dressing up for Halloween. I know I can count on the Queen’s table to help me out. Geraldine Bentley, Evelyn Day and Bonnie Schaef may actually enjoy this day as much as I do. I hope they are already making plans for their theme this year. I’m going to need a spy to find out what it is. I cannot and will not let them out do me. Keep your ears open people. There’s an ice cream sandwich in it for ya.

Menu for Monday, bierox casserole, oven fried potatoes, beans, cake; Wednesday, roast beef, mashed potatoes and gravy, green beans, carrots, cobbler with ice cream; Friday, sachicken and noodles, mashed potatoes, peas, cookies and fruite. Each meal is served with salad, vegetables, bread, coffee and tea. Beverages are not included with takeout meals.

Please Note: Menus are subject to change.